CoD2 Call of Duty 2

Developer: Infinity Ward (2005)
Latest Version: v1.01

Feature Supported
AVA Not required
Play lists Yes
Config Selection Yes
Additional Command Line Parameters Yes
Default mod selection Yes
Automatic Mod Detection No
Demo Controls Yes

If the AVA Update is not installed you wont to play all these demo types. You can then only play demo with the version installed.

Demo Extension Version Supported
dm_1 v1.01
* This demo type is shared with Call of Duty 1 and Call of Duty 4. Seismovision can differentiate between the demo types automatically.

This is the default layout.

Function Key
Decrease Playback Speed by 0.1 below 1.0 and by halve above 1.0 (Minimum 0.0) Left Arrow
Increase Playback Speed by 0.1 below 1.0 and doubles above 1.0 (Maximum 128.0) Right Arrow
Normal Playback Speed (1.0) Up Arrow
Freezes demo (pictures freezes, but demo continues at slow pace) Down Arrow
Quit Game Numpad 0
3rd Person left pan Numpad 1
Toggle Timer Numpad 2
3rd Person right pan Numpad 3
Restart Demo Numpad 4
Toggle Third-person mode Numpad 5
Take Screenshot Numpad 6
Decrease in game Volume Numpad 7
Mute Sound Numpad 8
Increase in game Volume Numpad 9
Display Score (where possible) Numpad Minus (-)
Display Demo Control Help (where possible) Numpad Plus (+)
Decrease 3rd Person Range Home
Increase 3rd Person Range End
Select Previous Demo Play list mode only) F5
Select Next Demo Play list mode only) F6
Start selected Demo (Play list mode only) F7

Please note that pressing any other key on the keyboard except to those listed here will bring you to the menu and stop demo play back.

Where can I bind my keys?

You can bind on the green marked keys:


* This image may not be accurate!

Call of Duty 2 console dropout workaround

This is a known problem. When trying to play a demo, you get thrown in the console window of Call of Duty 2 with a bunch of error messages such as 'Attempted to overrun string in call to va()'. To quickly fix this, enable the option in Call of Duty 2 dm_1 options. When this option is enabled, demo controls are disabled and mp_farmhouse (Belot) will not load before demo play. This problem is triggered by loading a map in development mode and having some mods installed into the base folder of Call of Duty 2. Which mods are responsible for this are currently not known. Clean up all mods one-by-one to find the mod responsible, or simply delete all.

Why does mp_farmhouse (Belot) load before playing my demo?

This is a workaround to enable demo controls in Call of Duty 2. Demo controls are cheat protected by default. Settings sv_cheats to 1 does not solve this. So a map is loaded in development mode to enable cheats. Lets hope the developers can fix this in a later version.

.IWD Check

A common problem in Call of Duty 2 are demo playback problems mostly caused my some add-on mods in the main directory of the game. The IWD Check function looks for those non-standard (files that are not part of the original installation) files and allow you to temporarily disable them for the duration of demo play. The files are restored once demo playback has completed