Author's posts
Feb 06 2004
Call of Duty v1.20 AVA Update (2)
A new AVA Update for Call of Duty has been released to address the interfaced mismatch experienced by many users. The download is available onn top of this page. If you intend on playing Call of Duty demos then this is a required update.
Feb 01 2004
Seismovision v2.25 Released
Version 2.25 of Seismovision is now available for download. Post all your questions and comments in <a href="">the forums</a>. What's new in this release:<BR> <li>fixed: Some Quake World demos not playing (thanx to ]DoH[QuakE) <li>fixed: Some Unreal Tournament and Tactial Ops demos not playing. <li>fixed: Call of Duty demo controls being locked by game (Cheat …
Dec 07 2003
I'm away from the 8 – 12 December 2003 and I wont be answering e-mails or forum posts during this time. I will answer themm when I'm back =]
Nov 22 2003
Call of Duty
Many have reported that the fast forward function in Call of Duty is not funtioning with Seismovision. Here is the fix. Into the Additional Command Line Parameters box in the games option in Seismovision enter the following '+sv_cheats 1'. Have fun!
Nov 17 2003
Seismovision v2.24 Released!
Seismovision v2.24 comes with 2 great new games! Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy and Call of Duty. A must to update! =D fixed: Quake 2 demos not playing in play list mode due to overlong alias. (Thanx to MikeG) fixed: Rare random deletion of game application after demo play. added: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: …
Oct 30 2003
Raven Shield
I wanted to add Rainbox Six 3: Raven Shield the other day because I was asked to add it. But there is a problem with the game, it does not correctly support demos. All the commands are there and you can actually record a demo, but you cannot play it. I send a complaint to …
Oct 26 2003
Happy Birthday Seismo!
Seismovision was released for the first time on the 25 October 2001. Two years have passed =D
Oct 15 2003
Some e-mails lost
If anyone had sent me an e-mail between the 13 and 15 October 2003, please send it again as I lost my e-mails for these two days due to an Outlook Express crash. =(
Oct 07 2003
Strange Bug
There seems to be a bug in Seismovion that rarely removes the game application, leaving only the back-up. I put out Seismovision v2.24 b0 to try counter this. Please tell me if it still sometimes happens to you after installing this BETA version. Mail:
Sep 14 2003
Seismovision v2.23 Released
This is just a bug-fix release, if you are not having any problems then there is no need for you to update. Check below if it applies to you. added: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (.dm_82) Full Version fixed: Missing comctl32.ocx with DemoInfo fixed: Splash screen icons not loading correctly when playing play lists …